Any inspector who has checked a website on our behalf (either by a local authority or an independent company) will inform us if inspections have taken place and will also inform us of the results, for example if construction is permitted. This potential risk is problematic if the winter garden was built before July 1, 2011. There is also a violation of legal easing. Some sanitation companies suggest that they may adopt a relaxed attitude if the work has been carried out in accordance with building permits and pipeline protection measures. There are two solutions: they will also tell us if they find that the sewers/sewers concerned are in poor condition or if the soil conditions are not satisfactory. In this case, we will visit one of our own inspectors on the site to see what needs to happen next. For more information about construction via a public channel, contact us at If we agree that you can build public sewers, be sure to provide sufficient access points to the canal concerned (wells and break-in points). Ideally, buildings and extensions should not be housed where they would remove an existing access point. If this is not feasible, we can accept the transfer of an access point outside of the proposed evolution. In accordance with Part H4 of Schedule 1 of the 2010 Construction Code, SI 2010/2214, the agreement of the wastewater distributor is required for construction by public sewers.
These are both dirt and surface water sewers. If a public sewer works underground, the homeowner cannot build on or within three metres of the sewer line without the consent of the wastewater collector. This consent is the Build Over Agreement. Consent is required before work begins and may be refused. If the winter garden was built before July 1, 2011, it requires an explicit building permit or permit, and may have required a building permit. FAO The Sewer Build Over Team, Developer Services, Wessex Water, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7WW Each building control unit working under our “protocol” returns all cases where we may need a building over agreement.