Words For Formal Agreement

Again, they looked at each other as consensual with meaning on their faces. As in the case of the agreement, some report references may be an indication of disagreement. A common claim is the claim: in sentence (a), the claims instead of demonstrations would indicate that the author of the report does not agree with film censorship. Other verbs like this are ALLEGE and ASSERT (avoid the informal SAYING GO AROUND). The derived names assertion, assertion, and assertion carry the same proposition. An informal agreement you have with someone who gives you alternative pros or cons to telling the truth accurately, convincingly saying, saying correctly, credably (saying), easily agreeing, hard to disagree, obvious, certainly the case, and undeniably. The latter two show only consistency in appropriate contexts: elsewhere, they could only emphasize their user`s belief in the truth of what is said (see 224. Affirm the truth of what you say). an agreement in which one party promises something but the other party does not in secular law, the covenant is used to refer to an official agreement or covenant (“an international covenant on human rights”). It may also apply to a contract or a promise in a contract to perform or not perform an act (“a duty not to sue”). Adjectives that show disagreement don`t seem to be used very often to describe a thought leader, perhaps because they may seem rude. Two of the most polite options are difficult to reconcile and unconvincing.

Agreement and disunity can be demonstrated in many ways in formal writing One problem with all this, of course, is that they require I, which may be inappropriate in formal writing (see 46. How to avoid “I”, “we” and “you”). Verbs that allow me to avoid are a special subset of those that help tell the idea of another writer (verbs called “quote” – see 76th tense of quote verbs). The following example contains the match-dciating quote: Mege`s mention brought them all to the agreement, because they unanimously hated it. an agreement in which two people or groups each promise to do something It is the eternal agreement, but an agreement whose terms we have difficulty accepting. The main ways in which a writer can agree with an opinion seem to be verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and clauses. The word covenant is generally associated with the Christian and Jewish religions. In the Old Testament, it refers to agreements or treaties concluded between peoples or nations, but especially to the promises that God has made to mankind (for example. B, the promise to Noah never again to destroy the earth by the flood or the promise to Abraham that his descendants would multiply and inherit the land of Israel). God`s revelation of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai created a pact between God and Israel known as the Sinai Covenant.

The law was inscribed on two tablets and, in biblical times, housed in a gilded wooden box known as the Ark of the Covenant. Agreement or support of a group, idea, plan, etc. The most direct way to express consent with a verb is with I agree. If the person you agree with has not yet been named, you can mention them below (see 44. Annoying prepositional verbs), and you can name the point you accept: An official agreement to temporarily stop an activity Adjectives of agreement can be related to two types of nouns: those that represent the holder of the opinion (e.B. Marx, followers) and those that have the opinion (e.B. proposal, faith). You can intervene directly before this noun or after with a link reference (the normal positions of adjectives – see 109. Place an adjective after its noun). The first example below expresses the consent of an opinion holder (note the use of in-ing); the others focus on opinion: A quote can either as before (as X says, …) or as after (X says that. – see 127 . .


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