The Stockholm Convention gives an important global dimension to our national and regional efforts to control POPs. Although the United States is not yet a party to the Stockholm Convention, the agreement has played a leading role in the control of harmful chemicals, both nationally and globally. For example, the EPO and the member states have significantly reduced releases of dioxins and furans to land, air and water from US sources. In addition to the assessment of dioxins, the EPO has also worked hard to reduce DDT from global sources. The United States and Canada have signed an agreement to virtually eliminate persistent toxic substances in the Great Lakes to reduce emissions of toxic substances. The United States has also signed the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe`s regional protocol on POPs under the Convention on Large-Scale Transboundary Exit from Air Pollution, which deals with the Stockholm Convention on POPs and Other Chemicals. The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions are multilateral environmental agreements with the common objective of protecting human health and the environment from chemicals and hazardous wastes. In view of the serious and widespread crimes and human rights violations alleged by all parties, it is important that the parties have explicitly “recognized, in support of the Stockholm Agreement, the importance of the urgent management of the `humanitarian situation` with regard to prisoners in Yemen and their agreement on `legal procedures and provisions, in particular the Conventions, The Principles and Norms of International Humanitarian Law [and] Human Rights,” [30] The parties went so far as to associate the International Committee of the Red Cross to “ensure respect for fundamental humanitarian principles and procedures”[31] and acknowledge that humanitarian considerations motivated the ceasefire and the deployment of troops in Hodeidah.