However, the correspondence between the subject and the verb can be difficult if the construction of the subject changes. The example above implies that others, with the exception of Hannah, like to read comics. Therefore, plural obsedation is the right form. No one likes conflicts, including sentences! We know that every sentence requires a topic and a predicate, but we also need to make sure that these two are in agreement. In the world of grammar, this is called the subject-verb agreement. While some may be tricky, it is unacceptable to compare a singular subject with a plural gag and vice versa. If an author begins sentences with “there” or “here”, the concordance of the verb must correspond to the following words. If a singular noun follows, use a singular verbage. If a plural noun follows, use a plural verblage. 5) Some topics refer to one thing, but take an abbreviated plural (examples: scissors, pants) Collective nouns are generally considered singular subjects…