Chhs Data Sharing Agreement

Subsection (b) of the statute, each district welfare department in California authorizes to forward its lists of applicants and/or recipients of public social services to any other district welfare service overseen by CDSS. The law also requires that the data of applicants or beneficiaries be transmitted when requested by a district welfare department or a CDSS. [64] [57] Office of Family Assistance: Data Sharing Between TANF and Child Welfare Agencies, ACF (2015). Available at: CHHS has launched its open data initiative to improve public access to one of the state`s most valuable assets – non-confidential health and social data. Data Sharing Framework Data sharing within the CHHS is governed by the CHHS Data Exchange Agreement, which contains a framework contract and subordinate “enterprise use case statements” that contain the specific business case to document any data exchange under the framework contract. For many years, States have committed themselves to varying degrees to data exchange as a reasonable means of streamlining authorization and registration processes for both consumers and providers, thereby removing barriers for low-income families and enhancing the effectiveness of programmes. [3] For example, data exchange has been used to support cross-enrollment for so-called “categorically authorized” households, such as SSI receptors, in all programs. Some Medicaid government agencies have been able to reduce duplication of processes and expedite registration by determining Medicaid authorization based on determining an applicant`s entitlement issued by another program (e.g. B SNAP).

[4] Others used data exchange to use SNAP data to verify the income of Medicaid claimants, without applicants having to provide second documentation. [5] [134] Memorandum of Understanding: State of Connecticut DPH and DSS (2005) Available at: Our guide also highlights the efforts of several public authorities such as the California Department of Health and Human Services (CHHS) to set up innovative intra-agency data exchange agreements that support data exchange between departments to facilitate HEIS, program evaluation, and cross-winding. Oregon WIC uses data exchange to coordinate services with the Head Start program In Oregon, the authority that regulates WIC services — Oregon Health Authority (OHA) — has entered into a data exchange agreement with the Oregon Head Start Association (OHSA), a nonprofit that provides services related to the head initial pre-education program. . . .

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