Employment Agreement Creator

An employment contract recognises a legal business relationship between the employer and the employee. The employment contract describes the rights and obligations of both parties for the duration of the employment. For example, all the duties an employee will perform and the salary the employer is willing to pay in return. Looking for a quick and easy way to write employment contracts for your company? Good news – our free employment contract model is a unique solution that generates employment contracts in the blink of an eye. Just fill out a short form with your new employee`s location, hours of work and monthly salary, and our employment contract model automatically generates a polite employment contract – perfect for every role in your company! Download PDF contracts for your records or print them, or send an automatic answering machine to email them to new employees immediately after they are sent. The sample of the employment contract below includes an agreement between employer Susan C Clarke and employee Rudolph M Hettinger. Susan C Clarke is committed to employing Rudolph M Hettinger as personal assistant. This standard letter between the employer and the worker, Susan C Clarke and Rodolph M Hettinger, becomes legally binding after the signing by both parties. This contract, dated to `20`, is signed between [Company name] and [employee`s name] of [City, State]. This document constitutes an employment contract between these two parties and is subject to state or district laws.

The Employment Contracts Creator (ECC) is PC-based software that allows you to easily create your employment contracts. Starting with a full contract, just “check” all the clauses you don`t want, complete the personal terms schedule with our assistant, and the software does the rest for you. ECC is your complete tool to create any type of employment contract. Particularly developed for the New Zealand market in the context of the Employment Relations Act. Check with our employment contract manufacturer (external link) for examples of clauses that you need to include in employment contracts and the standard clauses of things you should or could include in an employment contract.

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